Friday, December 12, 2008

Being Tagged

I was tagged by a dear friend whom I'd lost contact and just recently reconnected through the internet by another dear friend. Here goes Freggie @ Wan Kamariah.
What were you doing 5 years ago?
Struggling to balance married life and work and ...

What were the 5 things on your list to do today?
- "demounting" the laundry -my laundry basket can't sustain them and bursting at the seams
- stocking up and tying the spring roll twist - need to fill up those orders!!!
- unpacking boxes and books - yep still figuring out where to put all my stuff.
- reading my unread e-mails
- make the first effort of baking an apple pie! Hopefully jadi.....

What are the snacks that you enjoy?
- Junk food
- Junk food
- Junk food
- Junk food
- and more junk food, he he he.

What are 5 things that you do if you were a billionaire?
- Build a spa-like home, so that I could be pampered all day long
- Invest the money
- Start a foundation
- Perform Hajj every year
- Shop and shop and shop, of course

What 5 jobs you've had?
- Assistant to my Mom's kuih-making venture
- Cashier kat Parkson, JB
- Teacher
Alaaaa, tak cukup lima la...

Who are the 5 person you want to tag?
- Iza
- Arni
- Aniqah
- Muna

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Which Twilight Character Am I?

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!

You are thoughtful and care very deeply for your family. A loving home is of great
importance to you and you always try to make people feel welcome. Although you have a great capacity to love, you also have a great capacity to hurt, so at times you can be
sensitive. You're firm when you need to be, but people trust your judgment and
appreciate the kind way you always handle things.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


A colleague of mine passed away a few weeks ago leaving a grieving widow and children. His youngest is only around 3++. And today a friend told me how her friend passed away due to meningitis. She suffered for a week before succumbing to the disease. She had two kids, one of which is only a year plus. Imagine losing your loved ones at such tender ages. Some might say, oh they won't remember the loved ones but I know the impact is there. Another friend called to say that her mother had a mild stroke. My heart skipped a beat.
Therefore, for those of us who still have the luxury of having their mothers anf fathers around, please spare some moments to connect to them. Make that long forgotten phone call that you never came round to. They don't need much, you don't even have to say you love them. They will know that you care, that you love with that one phone call.
(Al-Fatihah to Allahyarham En. Bakri & Sya's friend)

Monday, November 24, 2008


This is one of the ongoing problem in our housing area right now. These Africans that act like they are African-American and listen to their car stereo at full blast. They just lounge around at the parking lot. It's EXACTLY as projected in the ghetto or Harlem area. I know there are rights to expressing yourself but to the extent of making others uncomfortable?????


Breakfast with Ayang. It has been some time since I had been hankering for some blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. This is all partly to blame Donna Dooher of the Cookworks fame. In the show, the blueberry oozes out its dark blue juices but mine just pops and do nothing. Ha ha, that's what happen if you are so trusting of what appear in front of you. But it does lessen the cravings. I still have some strawberries and some other toppings that should and would be suitable for more pancakes. Ayang did mention that I am buying for the whole batallion when in fact there are just the two of us.
I'll be ransacking the pantry today and planning the menu based on the findings aka the mindless purchases. Wish me luck!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Three Weeks

It has been three weeks since the last post. Many things happened during that period. The first week was filled with marking papers and filling in marks and being generally beat as always when procrastinating work. The second week marked us as the host and hostess for our open house for Hari Raya. It was tiring but was energised watching friends partook in the - may I say - yummilicious food. It was heartwarming when friends came to celebrate the 'beginning' of the house and generally visited one another. Thank you to the guests (you know who you are) for making all the hardwork worthwhile. This third week will also see me in the heat of the kitchen as we will be having another open house for family and relatives. They were not not invited last week but due to the fact that my PIL weren't able to make it as they had to head off to Muar for kenduri tahlil. I am now in the midst of preparing the food and hopefully would be able to add a few images on tomorrow's open house.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Funny Cousins

kesian anak2 sedara jadi mangsa ganas mak teh dia

Post Raya Kuih

Adik found a gadget from the depth of the kitchen drawer. When she asked what it is for, I immediately had the hankering to make kuih siput - one of the traditional Malay delicacies. We then browsed for some recipes and found one that seem easy and we had the ingredients listed in the recipes. After Maghrib prayer, we started our project and still couldn't finish until now. Here are some pictures to show for our effort.

We have mixed reaction to the kuih siput - my husband said there's not spicy enough, but Pak Atan had seconds of the kuih siput. Adik is speechless... Thanks to my SIL Rin for finishing the 'gentelan' for the kuih siput.

In my eye....

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Props to Iza for introducing me to this fabulous website...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Homebound Journey

We left KL in the wee hour or what some might say the witching hour. At 3 a.m. sharp we went southwardbound. As usual, I was light out as soon as I entered the car and left Ayang to drive on his own. I was so sleepy that every time I woke up, I just adjusted to my most comfortable position and the snores would be resounding in the small, confined space. After nearly ten years of marriage, you don't sweat the samll stuff like snoring and farting - he he he but I do take care not to pass gas in front of him intentionally, unless if I am sleeping...

When we reached Yong Peng, Ayang had to wake me up as he was feeling drowsy. I was totally geared up to drive but after some time, my two peeps started to have their own fireworks - there were some starbursts, some swirlings and some whiteout. Afraid of unwanted incident in this festive season, I breathed a sigh of relief as I sighted the Machap R&R. Luckily, Suboh prayer was due and Ayang went for his prayer.

We resumed our journey and finally arrived around 7 a.m. Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Main masak-masak

Some friends asked me to make them some agar-agar cendol. And being the amateur that I am, I had to refer to my recipe every time I make them. Ayang commented that I should have memorised the measurements and the ingredients, but alas I am insecure in that sense. I am scared that if I don't follow the instructions to the T, the dishes would not come out fine.

The measuring and the weighing.....

The first layer of decadence...

Cooking the second layer...

The second layer of yummilicious...

The dessert

Ada orang kata sedaaapp!!!! Aaaawwwhhhh!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Messy Mess

I got my first wind and enthusiastically attacked the bathroom cum toilet. Well, it has not been cleaned for weeks (but not to the point of our public toilet, lah). In my vigouresness (is there such words), the toilet was squeky clean and sparkling. As I moved the cistern cover, I accidently knocked the toilet roll ceramic thinghy and to my shock, the whole thingy came loose and shattered across the cleaned floor, aaaawwwwhhh.

Ayang came running and quickly I changed to my pitiful face. He he he, luckily he didn't get angry. What a relief. Unfortunately, the eyesore would be there until Pak Atan came (if and when he comes). Sigh.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nuzul Quran

Just something to share for our benefit:

Nuzul Al-Quran memberi maksud penurunan ayat-ayat Al-Quranulkarim sebagai wahyu Allah S.W.T kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. melalui perantaraan malaikat Jibril a.s dengan beberapa cara yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah S.W.T manakala dalam tempoh masanya pula, sebahagian Ulamak Mufasirin telah mengatakan ianya berurutan selama 23 tahun, iaitu 13 tahun di Makkah Al-Mukarramah 10 tahun di Madinatul Munawwarah. Sebahagian ulamak mufasirin mengatakan, bahawa Al-Quran diturunkan sekaligus dari luh mahfuz ke Baitil Izzati pada malam Al-Qadar, iaitu satu malam yang paling mulia dari beribadat selama 1000 bulan.

Firman Allah S.W.T yang bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya kami telah menurunkan (al-Quran) ini pada malam al-qadar".-Al-Qadar ayat 1-

Ia merupakan ayat pertama yang diturunkan, ketika mana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. sedang beribadat di gua hiraa'. Di mana baginda telah didatangi oleh malaikat jibril a.s. dengan mengajarkan ayat-ayat Allah dari Surah Al-Alaq , ayat 1-5 yang bermaksud:

" Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama tuhanmu yang menciptakan (sekalian makhluk). Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku. Bacalah, dan tuhanmu yang amat pemurah. Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan. Ia mengajarkan manusia, apa yang tidak diketahuinya".

Sesungguhnya Al-Quranulkarim itu adalah mukjizat yang paling besar dikurniakan kepada junjungan besar Nabi kita Muhammad S.A.W. ianya akan berkekalan hinggalah ke hari kiamat kelak. Tiada mukjizat sehebat Al-Quran yang pernah dikurniakan oleh Allah S.W.T kepada para rasul dan nabi-nabi yang lain. Ini membuktikan kepada kita bahawa, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. adalah seorang rasul yang paling agung dan terakhir bagi umat akhir zaman. Oleh itu, kita adalah umat yang paling beruntung, kerana adanya Al-Quran, dibandingkan dengan umat-umat yang terdahulu, biar pun mereka mempunyai kitab-kitab seperti Zabur, Injil dan mazhab-mazhab yang lain, namun yang paling lengkap dan sempurna adalah Al-Quranulkarim, yang ada pada umat islam hingga kehari ini. Sesungguhnya tiada seorang pun yang mampu mencipta ayat-ayat Al-Quran walaupun sepotong ayat yang setanding dengan kehebatan Al-Quran. Dalam hal ini, Allah S.W.T sentiasa memperingatkan kita tentang segala bukti dan keterangan yang terdapat dalam al-quran itu tidak boleh diragui sedikit pun. Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam firman Allah S.W.T. yang bermaksud:

"Dan kalau kamu ada menaruh syak tentang apa yang kamu turunkan (al-quran) kepada hamba kami (muhammad), maka cubalah buat dan datangkanlah satu surat yang sebanding dengan al-quran itu, dan panggillah orang-orang kamu yang percaya boleh menolong kamu selain dari Allah, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar".-Al-Baqarah ayat 23-

Berdasarkan ayat tadi jelaslah, bahawa Al-Quran adalah hak Allah yang wajib kita peliharai dan janganlah sekali-kali cuba mengkhianati, menafikan, bahkan mempersendakannya atau melakukan apa sahaja dengan tujuan merendah-rendahkan martabat Al-Quranulkarim. Inilah kehebatan Al-Quran yang menjadi satu mukjizat yang amat besar, kurniaan Allah S.W.T kepada umat nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Oleh itu, apa pun tindakan dilakukan untuk menghancurkan Al-Quran, namun Al-Quran tetap terjaga dan terpelihara oleh Allah S.W.T. Firman allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya kamilah yang menurunkan al-quran, dan kamilah yang memelihara dan menjaganya".-al-hijr ayat 9-
Tujuan utama Al-Quran diturunkan antaranya ialah sebagai petunjuk ke jalan yang benar, untuk menghapuskan kesesatan dan kemungkaran, terutamanya dalam perkara akidah dan perundangan Islam. Selain itu, ianya menjelaskan peristiwa hari kiamat yang pasti akan berlaku, sebagai satu peringatan untuk persediaan awal menghadapinya. Terdapat juga kisah-kisah sejarah para nabi yang diutuskan untuk membawa akidah yang benar, namun sebahagian besar kaum mereka, masih tetap dalam kekufuran dan kesesatan, sebagaimana umat Nabi Musa dan Isa a.s yang mana akhirnya mereka yang kufur telah dimurkai dan dilaknat oleh Allah S.W.T. Kesemua ini, adalah sebagai satu pengajaran kepada kita agar sentiasa berpegang teguh dengan akidah yang sebenarnya. Oleh itu, yakinlah dengan apa yang dijelaskan oleh Allah S.W.T dalam Al-Quranulkarim, bahawa segala perintah dan perundangannya, adalah ketetapan Allah S.W.T dan tidak boleh diragui lagi.Umat Islam perlu mengambil sikap yang lebih bersungguh-sungguh untuk menghidupkan jiwa kita dengan nur Al-Quran. Berbagai cara boleh diamalkan untuk mewujudkan perasaan cinta terhadap al-quran. Antaranya :

  • Pertama - Menyematkan dalam hati dengan keikhlasan dan berkeyakinan tinggi bahawa Al-Quran itu bukanlah ayat-ayat ciptaan manusia, sebaliknya adalah wahyu daripada Allah s.w.t.

  • Kedua - Meyakini bahawa Al-Quran adalah mukjizat yang paling besar dikurniakan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, yang dijadikan hijjah dan sumber rujukan hingga ke hari ini.

  • Ketiga - Meyakini bahawa Al-Quran, sekiranya dibaca dengan banyak dan bertajwid, nescaya pembacanya akan diberi pahala dan ganjaran yang amat besar oleh Allah s.w.t.

  • Keempat - Meyakini dan menyedari bahawa Al-Quran pasti akan memberi syafaat kepada pembaca dan penghafaznya, ketika mana diakhirat kelak.

  • Kelima - Manusia yang menyuburkan hatinya dengan kalam Allah, akan menjadi manusia yang berakhlak mulia, berhati bersih dan beroleh keredhaan Allah s.w.t.Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:

"Dan apabila engkau membaca al-quran (wahai Muhammad), kami jadikan perasaan ingkar dan hasad dengki orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada hari akhirat itu sebagai dinding yang tidak dapat dilihat, yang menyekat mereka daripada memahami bacaanmu".- Al-Isra' ayat 45 -

Sebagai umat Islam, maka wajiblah bersyukur kerana telah dikurniakan dengan nikmat Islam dan iman yang sebenarnya. Bersyukur dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya adalah dengan hati yang penuh takwa dan takut kepada Allah s.w.t. Tiada gunanya kita menyatakan kesyukuran itu, sekiranya Al-Quran diabaikan tanpa membacanya atau memahami dan mengamalkan ajarannya. Malah lebih malang lagi ada dikalangan manusia yang bersikap biadap dengan memijak al-quran dan menguwek-nguwekkannya. Hati mereka telah gelap dan menyimpang jauh orang yang tidak mampu membezakan perkara-perkara yang hak dan batil, pahala dan dosa, halal dan haram. Yang sopan dikatakan kolot yang sesat didewa-dewakan. Malah dalam menegaskan hal ini Allah s.w.t berfirman yang bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya al-quran ini memberi petunjuk ke jalan yang benar (iaitu ajaran islam), dan memberikan berita yang menggembirakan kepada orang-orang yang beriman , yang mengerjakan amal-amal soleh, bahawa mereka beroleh pahala yang besar".-Al-Isra' ayat 9 -

Oleh itu, marilah sama-sama kita berusaha mencari keberkatan Allah s.w.t dan berdoa agar sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat dan lindungannya serta beroleh kebahagiaan hidup didunia dan diakhirat.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Went back to my hometown last Saturday. As usual, whenever we came back, Mak will spread an array of delicious food on the table. And Saturday's iftar was not excluded - we had awesome chicken curry, mussel rendang and some other dishes. As for Sunday's iftar we were served my all-time favourite - soto ayam.

But please excuse the lack of pictures, everybody was like the hoover vacuum, but to be honest I wasn't inclined to take pictures, dah lapar sangat!!!!

Today's iftar will be steamed assam siakap, kerabu mangga and some additional dishes. Yours truly will be the invited chef for the day. Hopefully, the dishes would turn up fine as I have the tendency to make errors and mistakes cooking at home. Ye la, cooking in front of the master is quite daunting. Furthermore, the critics and reviewers are a bunch of hard to please people. He he, jangan marah, Abah.

Will update the pictures soon, hopefully.

As I've written before, the dishes weren't as excellent as when I cooked in KD. But, still got rave reviews from the family. Aaaaawwwhhhh.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008


These were taken last week at IL's house. The adorable Isadora has not seen me and has not been pampered for nearly a week. So, when we arrived, she was very excited and would be following us around. She would always be available for the occasional massages and would demand to be cuddled and so on.

As I spent the whole day in the room, she was as contented as ever to spend the day indoor. As a testament for missing her humans.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mbak Ika ohhh Mbak Ika

Waduh!!!! Gi mana ni? Kok panggilan teleponnya ngggakk dijawab. Waduhh, gi mana nih, enggak ada baju raya!!!! Huwaaa, takde baju raya la jawabnye ni. Call pun tak berjawab, sms pun diignore nya...adakah aku perlu membeli sehelai dua untuk cover baju raya tu, ahhh tak nak lah (ek e leh, saja lah tu, sebenarnye kau nak kan, kan, kan????) Muaahahahaha, I do know myself, but, during the ranting and grumbling, masuk lah sms dari si dia (siapa lagi, tailor la!!!)

waalaikumsalam kak minta maap tak dengar tepon ingsyaAllah siap kak

Yabeda bedu, aku ada baju raya!!!! Oooops, tak leh suka sesangat, nanti tak siap menangis air mata darah....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ramadhan ini....

Since moving to the new house, Ayang and I have been spending the weekends at the in-laws' place. There's not much to do since being without a child ,yet, as I think a child would be much suited to be the entertainment of the week for the grandparents...but I guess it fits Ayang's purpose which is to at least come home and see his parents. And being the month of Ramadhan, of course he would like to have Iftar with his parents. And being a good wife I am, I just abide gracefully...(yeah, right)
Since, his brother came back this week from City of Lion, I've decided to wear the hijab. I used not to wear at home eventhough when my BILs are home, too. But, I think since it's the Ramadhan and the time to gather as much pahala as you can, I have decided to start wearing the hijab whenever I am around BILs or non-mahram, Insya-Allah.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Finale

The Woman In The Sun - the Korean drama which made me stuck on the couch for nearly ten weeks finally ended. Sigh.... I felt so drained and exhausted watching it as it was filled with a multitude of feelings and emotions. I was bawling and crying while watching the last two episode as these two episide is the turning point for the characters to make amends to each other. Frankly speaking, I can't blame the eldest sister for making such a drastic decision as she may have believed that she is acting on the principle of the survival of the fittest and I can't blame on the younger sister for getting revenge on what had been done to her. The plot, the casts, the music, the setting all played important roles in making the drama fabulous. The main actress was very good in emoting different feelings and changing different emotions at a blink of an eye. Ahhhh, puashati....puashati.
P/s: Lepas ni ganti cite antu, tak boleh tengok (terawih, weh) dan memang tak nak tengok...takut...he he he......

Friday, August 22, 2008

Doing It Again...

Time has a way of finding cracks to slip away from me. Just imagine, I was ecstatic on Monday as the long-awaited school holiday finally arrived. I had so much planned, i.e. sew curtains, doing laundry, beading for Kak Tim's daughters, baking, knottting my business, etc. And yet, it is Friday, essentially the last day of the holiday and I barely made any dent in the list above. WT*, I am a total procrastinator and you know what they say about procrastinator being the thief of hu hu...pencuri masa!!!!
And the promise of making sure this blog is updated as many times as possible might also become a promise that might not be help upon by me.
Again and again, time is the most difficult asset to manage, well, by me at the least.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Since 2

The makings of breakfast by Ayang. He must have woken up on the right side of the bed since this is the first time he offered to make breakfast for us. Apa-apa pun tetap sedap...air tangan suami la katakan.
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These are some pics w took at Kalumpang for our in-house training. The river and its nooks and crannies were wonderful. The water was so cold...if you don't believe me,look at Aniq's expression. The emerald green water was so inviting...I can't wait tp have a picnic there. Btw, the course sucked, totally. Nevertheless, the place made up for the dissapointment.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lazing The Day Away

No URGENT business to attend to... YEAYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bone Dry

I had been wrung to the bone. It had been one h*** of a week and still going to be a b***** this coming week. Fortunately, one of the major event in the EP was all done and completed with Iza doing most of the donkey job. Thank you, Iza. And the gratitude is extended to a few more like Aniqah, Widya and the prac teachers. Thank you so much.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Women in the Sun

Shin Do Young is an announcer who instigates the jealously of all women around her because of her superior looks, great abilities, and great background. But Do Young has a deep, dark secret. She was actually abandoned at an orphanage when she was young but luckily she was adopted by a nice couple. The couple were unable to have their own children but were surprised when their biological daughter was born. Do Young, afraid that her parents would no longer love her anymore abandoned her 5 year old little sister at a train station. Years have passed and Do Young meets a joyful girl, Sa Weol, who becomes her personal shopper. What happens when Do Young’s terrible misdeed is revealed and that Sa Weol is actually the sister she abandoned at the train station all those years ago?
I am now impatient to see how this story ended. It had me gripping my seat. The storyline is absolutely riveting.
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Monday, July 21, 2008


Pn. N from PPD G****k called and informed that there is a short course that will be held tomorrow. And it was already 2.30 p.m. and boohoo I had to go. I wondered how some people figured you can just drop a bombshell and just ignore the fact that other people have life!!! That I have a life. Hello, people have other obligations in life and I can't just say yes on the spot. I need to ask permission from my husband even though anything work related will be blessed by Ayang. What I am trying to say is that people need to learn some courtesy and if you expect people to respect you, respect them in turn. What had happen if I have three children, no maid and a demanding husband? Wouldn't it be a burden!!!!
To just relay the news without any other details as to what the course is all about is totally irresponsible and I am sure there will be tonnes of work waiting at B**** L*****. One thing I hate about this particular PPD is that if a course is to empower you in any way, you will not be called nor invited but if it is work related, hmmmnn bring it on. It would come without me asking nor thinking about it.
I just hope that I will have relatively enjoyable experience there. I am hoping for the best.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

All Alone

I am left to my own device as Ayang has a team building exercise in PD. What luck!!!! It has always been this way. Our schedule has always been out of sorts lately. I'll be away, next weekend to Kalumpang Resort and will be leaving Ayang the whole day for a in-house training. Hmmmnnn, tension....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Losing Myself

A picture paints a thousand words... What about nine of them? These are some of my fav pics from the file given by my brother. The flowers seem so alive and are begging you to come and languished in the midst of their magnificence. This is where I want to be right this minute. I want to lay in the abundance of delights and just lose myself for the day. Will it ever be possible? Sighhhh!!!!
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Due to the barrage of workload given to yours dearly, I am now attacked by the cold virus or whatever that is plaguing me now. I am sneezing, teary-eyed and having a mind-blowing headache.
Luckily for me, Ayang is willing to complete some of my work and doing a good job at it. Thanks, Ayang.
Meanwhile, I can relax and update the blog...ha ha ha.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thousand Apologies

Things have been hectic and chaotic this past few weeks at the workplace. We have been bombarded by accusations, misconceptions and whatnot. I have always tried to persevere in the face of adversity (ha ha ha...jangan nak berlakon, kau ada mengamuk, kan, kan???). But in the end as a human being you cannot not be hurt by the comments made by 'so-called friends'.
So, I would like to apologize to my panel members for the blunders that I have done and for being the KP who is way beyond inept and incompetent. Sob, sob, sob

Friday, July 11, 2008

Aduhhhhh!!!! 2

Alkisah, alkisah ada orang itew tak takut dan tak serik-serik.

Kaki tak baik lagi, dia dah sibuk nak melompat lagi...

Adalah ada PESKAT - apa itew - Pesta Sukan & Kebudayaan Antara Teknik.

Dia sudahlah main netball kat SMT Klang.

Lompat lah lompat tak sedar diri, kaki terjelepok, sakitlah lagi...

Sekarang ini sedang merana,

Sakitnya amat menjerihkan hati,

Nasib lah baik ada yang simpati,

Kalau tiada hero ku ini,

Merana lah hamba seorang diri.

(ikut nada gurindam, ke sajak, apa-apa pun boley)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What Flower Are You?

I am a

You have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard.

(I don't think this describes me at all. I'm likely the wall flower- trying to disappear - rather than be the life of the party. Do like the flower though. ;-p)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Aaarghhh! I, who have never played sports earnestly, have always been able to avoid being injured. But to my dismay, yesterday afternoon was different. As I was practising netball for the KAT tournament, I sort of sprained my ankle. Pehhh, the pain was excruciating - my pain tolerance is nil - so the smallest pain does feel 100x intense.

Went to the clinic, and the doctor advised no to make a lot of movement. So going to school was out of the question. And to my delight (albeit the pain) I was given two days of sick leave. Ayang was the most attentive caregiver. He bought me some analgesic cream and some crepe bandage. But then he had to leave for work. Aaaahhhhh, boring nye.

Monday, July 7, 2008


just sharing our pics
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My life has taken such a turn that going to school no longer makes my heart swell with pride. It has in fact makes my heart looks like a withered prune, tinge with bitterness. I look forward to the holidays rather than the working days. How terrible!!!


Sunday, July 6, 2008


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Makan Makan

This dish is tonight's dinner. "Ikan Siakap Masak Tiga Rasa" (Three Flavoured Siakap). However, in actuality, I don't think it is three-flavoured or two. It's more like it's confused- flavoured. I just saute some shallots, garlic and ginger and some chilli paste. Later, chucked in some chilli sauce and tomato sauce and add in some diced tomato, green andyellow pepper. Needless to say, it was well-accepted by my PIL and Ayang. But sadly, it's not up to my heat level. Hu hu hu, tak pedas lansung. But the most important thing is that it is edible by my MIL level. She has problem eating hot food.
There are some other dishes but as usual Ayang being him only took me literally as I asked him to take picture of the fish. Hence, the lack of more visual delights.


This is Isadora or Adora. Eversince, we've been going back and forth to the new house, she has become more clinging and more spoiled. Poor Adora. She is one of the stray cats that just appeared out of nowhere, begging for food. And she does know how to slip into our hearts. Ayang is her most favourite person, if he is around, she wouldn't even come near me. Preferring her darling man more, but if Ayang is not around, I would be her favourite human. She would come in the room and share the bed and would sleep as close as it is comfortable next to me.

I feel sad about leaving her here, but the new place has some restrictions regarding pets such as cats and dogs. I think the management is worried about the numbers will keep on rising. But no worry, Isadora has been spayed. It's not that I don't like more cats but with limited space, it is unthinkable and irresponsible to have more cats.

Please don't worry, Isadora. Your darling man will always come to feed you and pamper you.
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Lesser and Lesser

I notice that my posts are dwindling gradually since I started in April. Didn't I promise myself to write more as I need the practice. The thing is I absolutely HATE writing. Even when I was in school and college, writing seemed to have escape from my grasp. I can't figure out the subject matter, nor the theme or whatever it is required to write. All I did most of the time is rambling nonsensically and expect my teachers or my lecturers to actually grade them and I expected excellent results. Hah, no such hope there. I even (in all my humility) flunked "Writing 101" in one semester and of course had to repeat the paper and to my horror with my juniors. Argghhh, how embarrassing and demeaning. Alas, I was rewarded for my diligence (*,) that time and procured an exalted B+ for my effort. However, I do have to share that with a few coursemates - Muhaida and Fathinie - who helped me tremendously. Thank you.
Turning back to the now, I must walk the walk. I have been nagging my students to be more diligent in their writing practice and yet here I am not making good of my own promise to keep on writing.
Well, folks, July would be the month of posts galore. God help me!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hanging by a Thin Thread

I am, in fact, is hanging by a really, really thin thread and at the end of my leash. These days I feel, no, actually I am being attacked left and right. Dodging the attacks seems to be out of the question. So, I just grin and bear with it. I do feel the hurt as rumours and accusations are flying every other way. Various persons come up to me with stories, some amusing, some entertaining and some downright malicious.
I should have been more confrontational and set the record straight as one colleague suggested but I just don't have the energy to expend and I am not interested to please people nor to rectify their assumptions. As long as I know, I have nothing to worry about my teaching and doing my job as best as I can. I COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THOUGHT ABOUT ME. There, I've said it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My "Hometown"

The day was a hectic one. Promised Abang (my younger brother) to start the journey to Kota Singa earrrly in the morning. When he came at 7.30 am, we were still lounging in dreamland and slumberland. Ha ha ha. If I didn't do that, the trip will start at a much later time.
The journey wasn't long and not as congested as we used second link at Gelang Patah. But what made it tedious was the fact that there were so many stops o be made due to strict regulation by the Kota Singa govt.
Just imagine, the first stop is to hand over our passports and identity cards for first time user of the passports (i.e. Ayang, Adik and I). We were interrogated as where we were headed and so forth. The funny thing was nobody knew where we were headed as my eldest brother will be waiting for us at the other side. What a laugh. Finally, Ikin remembered to mention Jurong.
The second stop was to acquire the passcard which will be used as touch'n'go when we exit Kota Singa later on. After being checked twice for the car registration, we managed to get one.
After that we need to pass through custom, even after choosing the green lane (nothing to declare) we were still stopped and ordered to open the trunk and so on. After handing the receipt for god knows what, we were still detained as the date stamped on the receipt were on 24th instead of 29th. Again, we were asked to wait as they sort out the mess. Just imagine waiting with some Nepalese soldiers who were equipped with weapons and all. Finally we were let go to continue with our journey.
Whaaaa....tak suka.....tak suka!!!!!!! It felt like going to a high security place. Haaaa, if I don't think about all my uncles and aunties and cousins and a brother, I won't want to step a foot on that soil again.
On the way home, the trffic was a bit congested and had to queue up for quite some time. After handing up our passports to the officer on duty we were on our way and had to stop at the custom to again declare if we brought in any contrabands. As if....
Finallly, we arrived at Gelang Patah, our Johor side. Alas, Home Sweet Home....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eat Your Heart Out

*This is a Machiavellian Post*
Ini adalah entry orang yang sangat bengang dan tengah amarah, so kalau tak suka jangan baca!
Wohooo, am on leave today and I bet you the tongues are wagging in SMT***. "Apalah, lagi-lagi cikgu BI tak datang sekolah!!!!" As far as I know there will be 3 English teachers out of commission today and yesterday there were 4 of us MIA. Tak larat la, cikgu relief nak buat relief utk kitorang. Tapi masalahnya, bukan diorang yang kalut tapi mereka yang disekeliling.
Beb, kasi ingat ya ada masa jugak kau akan merasa susahnya sakit, takde maid dan lain-lain. Jadi masa engkorang senang, jangan la duk question org punya MC atau cuti. Kau pun bukan tak pernah ada anak sakit sampai lama-lama, jadi be understanding to other people's situation.
As for my case - jgn nak tanya byk2 la, aku memang jarang-jarang dan kadang-jadang cuti, so sesaper tanya kenapa aku cuti, akan ku lada mulut itew (ambil ejaan iza). Ni pun rasa guilty amat sangat sebab tinggalkan budak....NOT...HA HA HA HA (KETAWA MACAM CRUELLA DEVILLE) Tapi, akak akan cuti lagi Isnin depan, aaahwhhw. Jangan mare...Ada cousin kahwin kat Kota Singa. Memang malas nak pegi, tapi Pak Long dak kata, putus sedara kalu tak attend. Hu hu hu

Mungkin takde pun org yang mempertikaikan ketidakhadiran kami, mungkin aku yang terlebih paranoid.