Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chain Reaction

Horror! The HM made his rounds today and caught Inia (bukan nama sebenar) ;-p red-handed for not entering class. Ohhh... what to do! The whole panel was aghast and shocked. There are reasons and there are excuses... what to do????
Went to the office for some markers and I was called by the HM to be informed of the incident. Hmmm...as a result he wanted to see the exercise books... aaaargh, bertambah lah kerja... but what he did was within his jurisdiction and we had to comply. I hope this incident will not be used against us. We had so many run-ins with other colleagues last year and tried to incite anger or dissatisfaction.

Nope, don't want to think about it anymore. I am picturing myself on a beautiful beach. The sun feels warm on my skin. The waves pounding the beach. The wind caressing me. Taking a deep breathe and letting go....

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